How to get rid of the second chin
Wondering how to effectively remove the second chin? Do you want to achieve a slim chin and to have a narrower optically extended neck? With this liposuction you can get rid of fat comfortably and easily. Fat suction from the chin is performed by up to three openings located just below the earlobes and under the chin. The procedure is performed only under local anesthesia and takes maximum of an hour.
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Contact us, we will be happy to help you secure a loan. Whether you pay the amount at once or prefer to pay in installments is up to you. A partial loan is also possible.
The risk of any complications during or after the procedure is very low and by choosing together the best surgeon, we’ll do our utmost to prevent anything like this from happening. Nevertheless, no doctor can completely rule out the complication. Therefore surgery insurance makes sense and the number of patients who insure their aesthetic surgery is constantly increasing. We will be more than happy to advise you with this as well. Do not hesitate and contact us.
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Frequently asked questions

The client will wear a special compression halter for 24 hours a day during the first week after the procedure, and then for at least 12 hours a day in the subsequent week. Bruises and swelling will disappear within a week.
We recommend staying at home in the first week and avoiding sports for 14 days.
Basically, we can say yes. The only problem may be a situation where the skin of the chin is too loose by the weight of adipose tissue and would complicate the healing of the lower part of the chin. The condition of your skin will be deeply checked by a plastic surgeon and if necessary, he will recommend another procedure - for example, necklift (neck modeling) or platysmaplasty.
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