A masculine chest
What is a chest surgery for men?
This procedure is designed to correct gynecomastia, or enlarged mammary glands in men. This operation can be performed under local anaesthesia, but usually takes place under general anaesthesia. In most cases the procedure is primarily aesthetic in nature, but it can also have a significant effect on mental wellbeing.
Gland or fat?
Gynecomastia can be glandular or fatty (pseudo gynecomastia). Glandular gynecomastia can be addressed by surgically removing the gland, while with fatty (pseudo) gynecomastia liposuction is more appropriate. Some cases may involve both and can be resolved with a combination of both techniques. With extensive gynecomastia it may also be necessary to do a chest lift to remove excess skin.
We’ll help you choose a surgeon
We have experience with a wide range of surgeons and surgical methods at clinics across the Czech Republic. We would like to use this experience to suggest the best options for you to achieve the best possible results to achieve your desired look. Sometimes “just” liposuction will do the trick, even tightening subcutaneous tissues with modern technology, while other cases may call for a well-placed incision. Get in touch and we will be happy to recommend a top surgeon for you. Thousands of satisfied patients have already used our services.
Basic information

Procedure duration: about two hours

Anaesthesia: general anaesthesia

Stay at the clinic: none, max. one night

Recovery time: two weeks

Scar: incision of about half a centimetre or at the lower edge of the areola

Sports: after one to two months

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What to expect
Before the surgery
Two weeks before the surgery please be aware and avoid aspirin and other blood thinners. Minimise alcohol consumption and smoking for a few days before the procedure. Ideally you should stop smoking completely. In some cases you may need to have a chest ultrasound.

During the surgery
True gynecomastia requires surgical removal of the mammary gland, involves a one-day stay at the clinic and is usually performed under general anaesthesia. The anaesthesiologist remains present during the entire procedure. You can take a sedative before the procedure begins, if you wish. If the procedure only requires suctioning excess fat, it may be performed under local anaesthesia as an outpatient procedure.

After the procedure you may experience swelling, which should disappear fairly quickly. You will wear a chest bandage for about three to four weeks to reduce swelling and help your skin retract. In order to achieve best results you should follow your surgeon’s instructions carefully and wear a compression garment.

Just-in-case insurance
The risk of complications arising during or after the procedure is very low. Choosing the right surgeon with our help is the best thing you can do to get excellent results. Still, no surgeon in the world can guarantee no complications will ever occur. Taking out insurance on an operation is a logical step, and more and more patients today are choosing to insure their aesthetic operation. We will be glad to help you with that as well. Just say the word.
What do patients combine with
Frequently Asked Questions

Contact our team and we’ll share patient stories, reviews and results for chest operations performed by the surgeon you’ve chosen.
We will be happy to tell you the exact price for your chest operation. Since every procedure differs in scope and difficulty, however, the price can only be set after discussing all your requirements and assessing your indications. The price always includes consultation with a plastic surgeon, pre-op examination, the appropriate anaesthesia, the procedure itself, and post-op hospitalization.
Yes, resection of the mammary gland requires general anaesthesia and you should expect to stay at the clinic overnight. Local anaesthesia is possible if the enlarged chest is due to fatty deposits.
That depends on the nature and scope of procedures performed. Light physical exertion will normally need to wait about five days. Most patients return to work after 10 days.
That depends on the nature and scope of procedures performed. Typically strenuous movement, exercise, strength training and even heavy cleaning will need to wait four weeks.
There is no age restriction, so it would come down to the patient’s overall health.
Your stable results usually appear within four to six weeks, at which point they are permanent. It is important to remember, however, that we cannot stop the ageing process entirely and physical changes may appear after some time. Following all the surgeon’s recommendations is the best way to make sure you heal well, get the results you want and have them last as long as possible.
No connection has been proved between chest operations and cancer. In fact, this operation may help prevent cancer.
The incision size will vary case by case. For liposuction on its own you can expect only small incisions to insert the liposuction cannulas. These are usually no more than half a centimetre long. If the surgeon is performing a resection of the gland, you should anticipate a small incision on the lower edge of the areola. Larger incisions may be necessary to lift and remove excess skin.
Yes, we would be happy to arrange everything for you: plane tickets, a room in a verified hotel, and transport to and from the clinic. Contact us today.
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